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High School Experiential Opportunities

Ireland – Global Ireland Football Tournament (G.I.F.T.) 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028

High school football athletic directors and coaches are invited to travel overseas with their football teams for a competitive game against an American opponent. Schools are encouraged to bring their high school bands, cheerleaders and teams from other sports such as field hockey, rugby and lacrosse. The trip includes tickets to a highly sought after collegiate game, guided educational tours, awards banquet, parade and pep rally. 

Off-Season Educational Sports Tours

High School & College

We began this Global Football adventure in 1996 when Mt. St. Joseph High School of Baltimore journeyed with us to England, playing one ‘friendly match’ vs a British U19 team, hosted an on-field youth clinic and enjoyed daily professionally guided tours in and around London. High schools and Colleges across America, Canada and Mexico have enjoyed similar tours as part of the 28 nations we have visited. Generally these trips are held during summer vacation or spring breaks and with the expanding interest among coaches and young athletes worldwide, basically nearly every country you might dream of is available. While football, American style is our base, we have also provided similar opportunities to swim teams, field hockey, lacrosse, rugby, basketball and volleyball, mens and womens.

Kileleni Leadership Experience (Colorado)

Participate in a unique leadership experience as a part of TEAM, where Together Everyone Achieves the Mountaintop by hiking 14,229 ft up Mount Shavano. By supporting each member mentally and physically, this allows for the team to not only perform but achieve seemingly impossible tasks, helping achieve its stated goals. A well-trained and properly motivated team, with strong Leadership, will achieve their mountaintop…then transfer the lessons learned to their athletic competition.